Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week 4: Presentation 1 Preparation (2/15-2/21)

Electrical components were learned by the fellow project member, Dan Espinosa, who has had experience in the industry for about 20 years. Comprehension of the selecting a correct inverter, charge controller, battery, and extension cables were completed thanks to his help. Different iterations of the arrangement of solar panels were conducted so that an optimal battery could be selected and purchased in a timely manner. Extension cables to connect solar panels the team has obtained were found as well.
In terms of design, gutter and gutter cover were researched to use it as a mean to collect water. Water repellent materials would be attached along with solar panels so the water could flow down to gutter which will be placed at each longitudinal sides of the complete structure. To strengthen the supporting structure, gusset plates would be considered to be attached on each flat side of the structure upon Dr. Furman's advice.
The preparation for presentation 1 was conducted for the week. A comprehensive survey of solar team's work would be included in it.
Also, a presentation on how to create effective presentations was held in ENGR 189 on February 14, 2018, Wednesday. It was held before the senior project session in Superway design center.

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The discovery channel has recorded footages of Spartan Superway. Final presentation for full-scale solar team was held in E135 at 11:30 AM. ...